The first Lagoon Pond Association Biodiversity Survey took place on August 1, 2023!
This initial survey, focused on macroscopic mobile marine fauna and seaweeds, and was led by our science committee chair Maria Abate, PhD, marine biologist. Two separate 50-foot seine (1/4 inch mesh) samples were collected in the North Basin of Lagoon Pond from the shore between Doug’s Cove and Brush Pond. After sorting in containers, counting and identifying all organisms as well as measuring length of 126 fishes on shore, all organisms were returned to the water.
Twenty-two species of macro-fauna were found including: 11 species of fish, 7 crustacean species, 5 mollusks (3 bivalves and 2 snails), 1 anemone species, and 8 species of seaweeds. Juveniles from several fish species were represented including 11 Northern pufferfish, 2 striped bass, and 1 late-season winter flounder, cunner, tautog, and a sea raven. Seaweeds were not excessive and invasive tunicates were absent, unlike other spots in the Pond. Eelgrass blades were notably absent, but pipefish and bay scallops which prefer that habitat were still present. Total mobile fauna was circa 900 with the most abundant fish being the Atlantic silverside with over 800 individuals in a school in the incoming tide seine. The importance of the pond as habitat for young and forage fish was apparent.
We plan to perform future surveys to catalog changes over time and to better document the health of the Lagoon Pond ecosystem, as well as engage and educate members about these trends. The LPA Science Committee plans to conduct additional offseason survey(s), and invite LPA members in for a “Bioblitz” in the summer of 2024. Stay tuned!