& History

The purpose of the Lagoon Pond Association (LPA) is to protect, preserve and enhance the character of Lagoon Pond and all immediate areas. Our interests  include water quality, the natural beauty and resources such as fishing, shell-fishing, recreation and safety.

The LPA also communicates and cooperates with governmental agencies and other civic and conservation groups that are concerned with the quality of resources and life on Martha’s Vineyard, especially as they pertain to Lagoon Pond.

Your voice matters…

Your voice matters…

"Lagoon Pond belongs to all of us and we all bear responsibility for its health and well-being.  Join us in our mission to preserve and protect this beautiful body of water for our children and our children's children to enjoy!”

— Sherry Countryman, L.P.A. President

Click here to hear Sherry's interview with MVY Radio regarding the Lagoon Pond Association.

& Memories


A Brief History of the LPA

The LPA was formed 1n 1989 by the merging of two similar organizations: the Oklahoma Association in Tisbury and the Eastville-Lagoon Association in Oak Bluffs. Both had the same essential mission—to protect and preserve Lagoon Pond. In 1989 they “came to their senses” and merged to become a single, stronger voice.

Lagoon Heights Memories

Reminiscences from Early Years of a Beloved Summer Colony.
Originally published in the Dukes County Intelligencer, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 32-58. Copyright 2013 by the Martha’s Vineyard Museum; further distribution without the express written permission of the Museum is prohibited. To purchase printed copies, or request permission to reprint, please contact the Museum at www.mvmuseum.org

At the Buck cottage: from left, Williard Watkins, Marion Buck, Adelbert Watkins, and Harold Buck

Cottage History

Originally published in the Dukes County Intelligencer, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 32-58. Copyright 2013 by the Martha’s Vineyard Museum; further distribution without the express written permission of the Museum is prohibited. To purchase printed copies, or request permission to reprint, please contact the Museum at www.mvmuseum.org

View of the Lagoon Heights neighborhood in the early 1900's, possibly from Winne Avenue, looking south toward Springfield Avenue. From left are the Brown, Buck and Watkins cottages. In the background is the Allen cottage on Worcester Avenue. (All La…

Lagoon Heights Neighbors Remembered

Originally published in the Dukes County Intelligencer, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 32-58. Copyright 2013 by the Martha’s Vineyard Museum; further distribution without the express written permission of the Museum is prohibited. To purchase printed copies, or request permission to reprint, please contact the Museum at www.mvmuseum.org

July 1931: Beach party on the lagoon, at the foot of the Worcester Avenue path. The Reid house is in the background. Several in this picture are unknown. Those who are identifiable include (from left) Gardner Fletche; standing, and seated next to hi…

Old Time Lagoon Bridge

The Lagoon Pond draw bridge was under construction when this photograph was taken in 1935. Excessive nitrogen (N) originating from a variety of sources has added to the impairment of the environmental quality of Lagoon Pond.

The Lagoon Pond draw bridge was under construction when this photograph was taken in 1935.