Letter to BOH re: Single Use Plastics Ban
February 13, 2025
Town of Oak Bluffs
Board of Health
Re: Single Use Plastics Ban
Ladies and Gentlemen:
It is with great dismay that we are writing this letter to you. In 2021-2022, all six Island Towns at their Town Meetings voted overwhelmingly to enact Bylaw amendments prohibiting the sale of single use plastics. These Bylaw Amendments, brought forward by our future leaders on this Island, are clear, intentional, and forward-thinking.
Since the passage and enactment of these Bylaws, Oak Bluffs has neither appointed an enforcing designee nor enforced this Bylaw. Finally in the early fall, after much public outcry, the Select Board asked the BOH if they would enforce the law. To date the BOH has not agreed to do so, nor have they proposed an alternative. The meeting of the BOH earlier this week was indicative of the progress to date—kick the can to a future date, a future conversation, a future meeting – NO ACTION taken.
The will of the people was clear. We do not want plastic bottles littering our beaches, polluting our waters and adding forever chemicals to our groundwater. Three years have been plenty of time for the businesses to transition to another form of single use containers. There are a myriad of alternatives. In fact, there was a day, not so long ago, when bottled water was not available at all. Businesses still thrived; people did not go thirsty.
The undersigned implore the Board of Health to act as the Select Board’s designee to uphold the Bylaw and provide an enforcement mechanism. The Island’s children brought forth this Bylaw. It is their Island, their environment. Let’s show them their efforts have meaning and that we will do this for them and their children and their children’s children.
Sherry Countryman, President
Lagoon Pond Association, Inc.